5 Signs You Should Rethink Your Job

5 Signs You Should Rethink Your Job

Some days I am still haunted by  the ridiculous script. “Hello, I’m calling from International Magazine Service…” it began. It was suppose to end with me slickly convincing the prospective customer to agree to magazines that they never ordered. I was to confirm their address and get their credit card information. Get in, get paid, get out.  Instead it often concluded with expletives or  a sudden slam of the phone on the other end.

Cold Calling. Selling magazines that nobody wanted to read.  Bleah. As a matter of fact…BLEAH BLEAH BLEAH! It was horrible and I was horrible at it.

It took me some time to comprehend the problem. I was normally good at everything. And this was a straight forward operation. It should have been easy sailing.

Also, my work environment was so bad. The people were nice. My boss liked me enough. His eyes lit up every time the afternoon shift began and I sailed through the door with my peppy-sweet sunshine of a disposition. I was virtually fresh out of high school and he seemed to want to lap up every ounce of my naivete. Not in a good way.

I brushed away his weird vibes easy enough, excited to focus on a job and confident that I would be the best sales girl that company had ever seen.  But it was harder than it looked. At least it was for me.

Within two weeks I was collecting my first and last paycheck.  And to this day I carry with me some of the most important lessons that came from that experience. Here’s are some important signs that it may be time to start looking for a new career option:

The Job is out of Alignment

We all have values and guiding principles that are dear to us. If your job is creating some kind of inner conflict or resistance, it may be a sign that your work may be in disharmony with what you truly need or want. It may be time for you to take some time to figure out what exactly is out of alignment.

The Job is Depleting You

As humans, we encompass body, mind and spirit. It is part of our duty to take care of ourselves on a holistic level, being mindful of how our boundaries and how we expend our very precious energy. If your job is overwhelming you to the point of imbalance or disharmony, you may want to check yourself.

 The Job Keeps you Stagnant

if you don’t have a dream, how are you going to have a dream come true? If you do have a dream and find yourself stuck in a dead-end job unable to call your visions into reality, this can be the very recipe for depression. Your heart has a compass. It knows where it wants to lead you. And any desire to meet your full potential needs to be met with drive and an open road.

 The Job Upsets Your Emotional Equilibrium

When you come home from work how do you feel? Are you energized? Do you smile to yourself for a job well done? Or do you want to run someone off the road or throw a vase across the room? Or perhaps you feel as if you want to be alone, sit in a room and cry for days. If going to work interferes with your peace and harmony in any way, you definitely want to rethink your work environment.

There is Something Better That You Have to Do

You know what it is. It’s that thing that you’ve been salivating about since you were 10. Or maybe it’s that special project that warmed your spirit and made you feel like you could spend forever doing it.  Whatever that thing is that you’ve been waiting for the right time to do, it may be time for you to stop waiting and go for it.


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The Awkward Purpose Debut

The Awkward Purpose Debut

Here’s the scoop. I was positive that once I opened up to the awareness of my calling, that the world would receive me as if it had been passionately waiting for me to share my genius all along.Things would magically fall into place, cause I KNEW STUFF! And it was time that people got a whiff off all that awesome!

So naturally once I came on the scene, there would have to be confetti as well as a ticker tape parade, a marching band, parade float and possibly cake and ice cream sundaes for everyone!

Nope. That’s not even close to what happened. What I was met with instead was a horrible realization: That I actually would have to develop a platform that would allow me to share my gifts.


It took me some time to get over the fact that I would have to grow, adapt, work smarter and surrender if I wanted to actually be of service to others. I would have to engage with people, build relationships and be accountable on social media. When dealing with introverted patterns, this can be excruciating. It’s up to use to decide how we will rise to the occasion.

I chose to rise to meet the challenge. Some people never make it that far.

The truth is, most of us will have to work toward building our empire. Even if that empire only consists of a Facebook page, a yearly toy drive and and hosting a monthly book club, It’s still a PURPOSE EMPIRE and it’s still a special gift to the world. It takes work, dedication and drive to blossom it into it’s full potential.

If you’re on the fast track toward launching your purpose, here are some quick tips to get you started.

1. Don’t get sidelined by the competition.

Competition is what we make of it. When we decide to see possible Influencers as enemies, we have lost a major part of our ability to connect, grow and network. Remember, nobody can do what you can do the exact same way that you are able to do it. Be proud of your special brand of unique genius.

2. “Introverted” does not mean “anti-social”

Trust me. It’s not the reason why you can’t gain momentum in your purpose.

There are lots of highly successful introverts who work with the public. But if you’re an introvert and find it hard to make progress because of it, it’s quite possibly because of how you feel about people. These feelings are most likely resulting from limiting beliefs and perceptions. This can be resolved.

If you are an introvert and intend to be of service to others, you must learn to engage and build relationships, even if you harbor the impulse to keep to yourself.  Introverts are often profound people who have a deeper insight and sensitivity. Use these gifts to connect with your audience in a way that brings integrity to your brand.

3. Don’t lose sight of your “why”. 

When you settle into a niche, an encounter with the idea of market saturation is enough to have you running scared. Suddenly you look around and see so many people doing the exact same thing as you. Maybe they are doing it better. Maybe they have been doing it longer. The bottom line is this: There is a reason you started all of this. They’re reason will often not be even close to yours. When you have a powerful reason for wanting to share your particular gifts with the world,  will continue to inspire you

4. Don’t stay stuck because of your budget. 

Why? Because you have to start somewhere. if you keep waiting for when money is falling from the sky, chances are you’ll never start. With a little research and drive, you can start to build your platform without the use of high end resources and services. Sure those things come to be invaluable when you are off and running, but when you are first starting out, you may need to learn to be resourceful. Ain’t no shame in that game. The important thing is that you keep on moving forward to the best of your ability. Check out my Free Purpose Launch Roadmap to get your started.

5. Don’t rely only on what you know. 

Allow yourself the gift of skill building. Hang out with people who have been there and done that. Don’t be afraid to move out of your comfort zone. Do the work. Upgrade. Rise. If you need help, find it. It all may sting a little at first, but you will gradually move into the kind of arenas that can support all that awesome you’ve been toting around. And then maybe we can see about that ticker tape parade.

 Check out our Perspectives section for more awesome blog posts!

Jenee Fernandes Jones, Founder

Jenee Fernandes Jones, Founder

As the  creator of Brave Beyond Boundaries. I am delighted that you have stopped by to get to learn a little bit more about us. I believe that you are here because something profound inside you has led you here.

Sometimes that profound influence is a gentle stirring, lovingly navigating you toward your opportunities for growth and blessings. Other times it is more powerful. So powerful that you can’t deny it’s pull.

Yes, I know all about it. I know it because I live it every day. It is an internal wisdom that guides me as it is rooted in the awareness that I AM more than what I have believed myself to be.


The Founding Vision

The Founding Vision

I Am more.

And I created Brave Beyond Boundaries with great hopes to be able to share my “more” with others, regardless of the presence of fear. To be able to teach others how to also share their own greatest gifts, despite the face of fear, so that one day they can create something spectacular in their own lives. A world of courageous creators naturally creating miracles everyday. What a wonderful concept. And Brave Beyond Boundaries  is my own personal stand against the boundaries that prevent us from doing just that: Sharing our light or shaping our lives and becoming all that we were meant to be.

I AM brave. I AM more. I will walk through the fire unscathed. Join me.

The Philosophy

The Philosophy

I Am beautiful. I Am brilliant. I Am whole.

I have powerful purpose. And so do you.

I understand that sometimes, because of the difficulties of what we are experiencing, we can become afraid to honor that loving awareness. We can hide our true authentic gifts away from ourselves because of our fears.

Believe me, I know what it’s like to be afraid. My past had me trembling in the face of adversity and stagnating because of sickness and suffering.  I have stumbled countless times. But after more than a decade of spiritual exploration and four years of complete social reclusion I am here to tell you now that you have the power to ignite your greatest gifts and allow it to shape your life into something majestic.

Regardless of what you see, feel or experience, there is one thing that remains changeless:

You are more.

You are more than your circumstances. You are more than your fear. There is something powerful that is waiting to be unleashed inside of you if you just rally your bravery and take a step forward. This is at the cornerstone of what I believe and what I want to express to those I meet along my path.

Be Brave. You can do it. Join the Club.

Pushing Past Your Limitations One Thought at a Time.


Finding Truth one step at a time. This paragraph is about the overall website and how awesome I am.This paragraph is about the overall website and how awesome I am. This paragraph is about the overall website and how awesome I am. This paragraph is about the overall website and how awesome I am. Just for you you can take this course and feel very Happy. Take the course. It’s awesome. take it. Take it. Take it. Just for you you can take this course and feel very Happy. Take the course. It’s awesome. take it. Take it. Take it. Just for you you can take this course and feel very Happy. Take the course. It’s awesome. take it. Take it. Take it. Just for you you can take this course and feel very Happy. Take the course. It’s awesome. take it. Take it. Take it. Just for you you can take this course and feel very Happy. Take the course. It’s awesome. take it. Take it. Take it.


Just. Be. Bold.

Just. Be. Bold.

Ignite the power to conquer.

Take our Fearless Flyers Course absolutely free and learn how to face and
overcome 5 of the biggest stumbling blocks toward launching your purpose.  

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Just. Be. Beautiful.

Just. Be. Beautiful.

Shine a light on the majesty  that lies within

Take our Fearless Flyers Course absolutely free and learn how to face and
overcome 5 of the biggest stumbling blocks toward launching your purpose.  

Get Free Course
